



Mobility creates valuable insight from hashed mobile subscriber data with geo-location metadata, which can be used to provide a new analytics perspective for various use-cases, such as healthcare policies, transport policies, retail industries, and housing policies.


Why Do You Need Mobilite?

Government and Business institutions need to define strategic decision, based on targeted people or customer activities data. Government needs strategic policies based on trusted and sufficient data, as well as corporate should consider their business action. Unfortunately they have not prepared to record people activities or mobilities.

Mobilite processes the hashed mobile operator data from devices that are connected to mobile operator networks to help government and business institutions define their best solution.



Case Study 

Analisis Mobilitas dan Aktivitas Massa di Malioboro sebagai Destinasi Favorit Wisata Yogyakarta

Pada analisis kali ini, dilakukan pemetaan kunjungan (trips) orang-orang yang berkunjung ke Malioboro dari berbagai moda transportasi jarak jauh yang tersedia di Yogyakarta. Ada 5 kanal transportasi publik yang dijadikan sampel, yaitu New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA), Bandara Adi Sucipto, Stasiun Tugu, Stasiun Lempuyangan, dan Terminal Giwangan. Dengan menggunakan data mobilitas orang akan didapatkan data in-flow (pergerakan masuk) dan out-flow (pergerakan keluar) masing-masing tempat dengan Malioboro.

Analisis Pariwisata & Mobilitas Orang di Bali

Kami melakukan simulasi analisis data aktivitas orang-orang di Pulau Bali, terutama pada bulan Maret 2020 ketika isu wabah COVID-19 belum mulai ramai di Indonesia. Analisis ini hanya memanfaatkan contoh data telco di Indonesia yang datang, keluar, atau berada di Pulau Dewata. Berawal dari beberapa pertanyaan seputar tempat mana saja yang merupakan titik yang paling sering dikunjungi, histogram waktu, model aktivitas harian orang, serta mobility networknya, kami melakukan analisis berikut.


Mobilite For You

Healthcare Policies

Analysis of how epidemic or infectious disease spreads in populations and suspect or patients tracing

Transport Policies

Analysis of Origin-Destination (O-D) matrix, how people move between residental and workplace areas

Retail Industries

Targeted marketingg based on consumer behaviour

Housing Policies

Analysis of housing supply-demand, mapping of geo-social behavior & people mobility


What We Offer

We’re offering some features that can be use for various usecases and provide various insight from people’s activities in their daily life


Trace subject movement and identify surrounding number that may interact with the subject

People Mobility Analysis

Analysis of people travel between their origin and destination and also provide heatmap report

Hotspot Analysis

Map the mass density at certain points of an area and provide heatmap matrix daily activities on specified points

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